
Our Vision

AOO envisions a tolerant, democratic, and diverse society that guarantees human rights, with a particular focus on women’s rights, and freedom for all, promoting values of social justice, gender equality, citizenship, and non-violence, especially gender-based violence. AOO stands against all forms of extremism.

Our Mission

AOO is a national NGO, that aims to preserve diversity and gender equality across Iraq by building the capacities of individuals and key stakeholders to resolve conflict and promote peace to ensure coexistence among communities of diverse religious and ethnic backgrounds. AOO also works to ensure that adequate policies are developed to safeguard the protection and participation of all communities, particularly for women, girls, and youth.


  • We believe the way to create impactful and lasting change in communities is through developing young leaders, including female young leaders, who are committed to freedom, equality, and justice for all.
  • We believe in the same freedoms for all people, including freedom of women, freedom of movement, and freedom from fear, operation, and violence.
  • We believe that people on all sides of conflict deserve basic human rights – women particularly deserve to enjoy their rights.
  • We believe in our common humanity and the sacred value of each human life. We mourn each person lost due to violence and share the pain and suffering of their families.
  • We believe the future depends on the leadership of the next generation, especially young girls.
  • We empower women and girls, particularly vulnerable women and girls, to find their voice and learn how to use it in a non-violent manner for the benefit of the entire society.
  • We contribute to developing peacebuilding and leadership skills among Iraqi citizens and support ongoing leadership development.
  • We promote intercultural exchange and education at a wider societal level.
  • We adhere to all the international conventions and treaties and consider them as the main source for our vision and work.
  • We uphold the rule of law as a concept that embraces human rights principles without any distinctions between all people or women and men, regardless of ethnic or religious backgrounds.